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The award-winning business and society magazine Corporate Knights has a research division which produces corporate rankings, research reports and financial product ratings based on corporate sustainability performance.

As one of the world’s largest circulation (125K+) magazines focused on the intersection of business and society, Corporate Knights is the most prominent brand in the clean capitalism media space. They define “clean capitalism” as an economic system in which prices incorporate social, economic, and ecological benefits and costs, and actors know the full impacts of their actions.

Its best-known rankings include the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations, introduced in 2005. As there is no cost associated with participating in the ranking, all publicly traded companies with over US$1 billion in revenue are assessed across 24 key performance indicators, including % sustainable revenue, % sustainable investment, % taxes paid, carbon productivity, and racial and gender diversity. Companies engaging in “red flag” activities such as thermal coal, blocking climate policy and deforestation are disqualified. The methodology illuminates the say-do gap. Only those companies making sustainable solutions a core part of their business offerings and allocating meaningful investments to reduce their carbon footprints make the grade.

On the latest (2022) ranking, five of the holdings of Didner & Gerge Global finished in the top 30.